The CONNECTION object contains (duh) information that
pertains to the current web request/response (i.e. connection).
- env
- The CGI-like environment dictionary.
- browser
- A Browser object that contains...
- method
- The request method (same as env['REQUEST_METHOD']).
- host
- The hostname sent in the request headers.
- args
- The query arguments (either for GET or POST).
- requestHeaders
- A dictionary of request headers.
- responseHeaders
- A dictionary of headers to send in the response.
- requestCookie
- A Cookie1
object corresponding to the cookie sent by the client.
- responseCookie
- A Cookie object representing the cookie
to be sent to the client.
- uri
- The URI of the request. This URI may have been subject to
rewriting2 and
may not be the URI as the client sent it.
- realUri
- The URI of the request. This URI has not been subject
to the same rewriting as uri. This is the URI as sent by the
- extract_args
- See (see section 2.5, page ).
- setContentType
- A method taking a singe string argument that is
a shortcut to set the Content-Type header.
- setStatus
- A method taking a single numeric status value for the
HTTP response.
- redirect
- Takes a single URL argument which is the URL to
redirect to.
- ...Cookie1
- see the documentation
for the Cookie module in the Python Library Reference
- ...
- Either via the rewrite service or other means