1 vicache.py

The vicache.py utility is for use mainly by the SkunkWeb maintainers and anyone doing STML hacking, but sometimes can be useful for the general user when they are getting an error that they can not explain without seeing exactly what is going on.

To invoke vicache.py, go into your compile cache directory and then:

# python /usr/local/skunk/util/vicache.py name_of_cachefile.htmlc
The file (in this case name_of_cachefile.htmlc) is the name of the original STML component/template/etc. with a `c' appended onto the name.

What then will happen is that either vi or whatever editor you have in you EDITOR shell environment variable will be started with the contents of the Python source that is generated by the STML compiler.

At this point, you can edit the source text, save it (or not) and exit your editor. vicache.py will then ask you if you wish to save your changes into the cache file.