<:compargs [argname] [argname1=expr] [argname2=expr...] [**kwargname]:>
This tag allows you to create a component signature, i.e.
specify which arguments the component expects and provide some
default values for them. When someone calls your component, SkunkWeb
will make sure that the arguments it is called with match the
signature. The arguments specified by the <:compargs:>
tag will appear in the local namespace. The tag is optional, if you do
not specify it, all of the arguments passed to the component will
appear in the local namespace. You can optionally specify default
values for the arguments. If an argument is not passed by the
caller and it has a default value, the default value will be used for the
local variable
If your component accepts variable number of arguments, you can
use the **kwargs notation to specify a container for any
additional arguments. Any arguments not explicitely listed in the
tag will be stored in the
kwargs variable.
If you do not specify such a variable, and the component is called
with arguments not listed in the <:compargs:>
an exception will be raised.
Suppose your component has the following signature:
<:compargs x y=`10` z='hello' **kwargs :>
Suppose someone calls the component with following call:
<:component comp x='hi' y=`11` extra=`12`:>
In this case the following variables will appear in local namespace:
{ 'extra' : 12 }