2 <:for:>

<:for expr [name=sequence_item]> 
    [ <:break:> ]
    [ <:continue:> ]
    [ <:else:> ] 

The <:for:><:/for:> tag implements a loop: it expects the expression in expr to return a sequence of items (a tuple or list, for example). For each item in the sequence, <:for:> assigns the item to the variable name given in the name argument, and does whatever is inside the <:for:> tag. The name parameter is optional; if not specified, <:for:> will assign each item to a local variable called sequence_item.

If the sequence in expr is empty or false, <:for:> will do nothing, unless you put an <:else:> tag inside the <:for:> block. The <:for:> tag will execute everything after an <:else:> tag if the sequence in expr is empty.


<:for `(1,2,3)`:>
current loop value: <:val `sequence_item`:><BR>

<:for `[1,2,3]` foo:> 
current loop value: <:val `foo`:><BR> 

<:for `[]` foo:>
This wouldn't show
Loop is empty

There are two special tags which allow you to force either an exit from the loop or an immediate return to the top of the loop: <:break:> and <:continue:>. The <:break:> tag will cause an immediate exit from the <:for:> tag. The <:continue:> tag will cause an immediate return to the top of the <:for:> tag, where it will assign the next item in the sequence to the variable, or if there are no items left in the sequence, it will exit the <:for:> tag. For example, this STML block will print the numbers 1 2 3:

<:set myList `[1,2,3,4,3,2,1]`:>
<:for `myList` item:>
   <:if `item > 3`:>
   <:val `item`:>

And this STML block will print the numbers 1 2 3 3 2 1:

<:set myList `[1,2,3,4,3,2,1]`:>
<:for `myList` item:>
   <:if `item > 3`:>
   <:val `item`:>