1 Configure Script Options

Outside of the normal configure options, SkunkWeb provides the following:

Install SkunkWeb as part of this installation (default yes)
Specify path to python executable
Make Skunk installation owned by user
Make Skunk installation owned by group

Additional options if building SkunkWeb (which will be built by default):

Install some sample content (default yes)
Specify the list of services to install space delimited list of personas to install, valid names are:

sessionHandler, requestHandler, remote, ae_component, remote_client aecgi, httpd, basicauth, oracle, pars, templating, web, fcgiprot

default is to include everything.

Specify path to sudo
Don't build mod_skunkweb
Specify path to the apxs program

N.B.: SkunkWeb, by default installs itself in /usr/local/skunk, but may be overridden by the standard configure option -prefix. The rest of this manual assumes that SkunkWeb was installed in /usr/local/skunk.