When calling PyDO.PyDBI.DBIInitAlias, you have to specify a connect
string. If you are using PyDO from within the SkunkWeb server, use
the caching versions of the connect strings so that connections get
rolled back properly in the event of an error. Obviously, if you
dont have the pylib modules required for the caching versions, use
the direct methods.
For Oracle, they take one of two forms (either can optionally have
|verbose appended to them to log the sql executed by the
- pydo:oracle:user|cache
- uses the connection caching of the
Oracle pylib that is used by the oracle SkunkWeb
- pydo:oracle:user/pw@host
- use the DCOracle module
For PostgreSQL, they also take one of two forms (either can optionally
have :verbose appended to them to log the sql executed by the
- pydo:postgresql:user:cache
- uses the connection caching of the
PostgreSql pylib that is used by the postgresql
SkunkWeb service.
- pydo:postgresql:normal_postgresql_connstr
- use the
pgdb module directly. In addition, if, in lieu of the host
portion of the normal PostgreSQL connection string you put
host|port instead, it will connect to the database listening
on the port port instead of the default port.
For MySQL, they can take one of a few forms:
- pydo:mysql:normal_mysql_connect_string
- use the
MySQL module directly. To use a cached connection
(maintained by the mysql SkunkWeb Service, just use
pydo:mysql:::::name where name is the connection
name from the MySQLConnectParams configuration variable in