obj.getSomeWhere(LIKE(FIELD('last_name'), ('Ingers%')))
The complete list of operators is in (see section 5, page
obj.getTupleWhere(('OR', ('LIKE', FIELD('last_name'), 'Ingers%'), ('OR', ('<>', FIELD('id'), 355), ('=', FIELD('id'), 356))))
Strings are used to represent operators rather than the SQLOperator class wrappers used in getSomeWhere(), but the FIELD and SET classes are still useful. The kw argument is treated the same as in getSome() and getSomeWhere().
[ (object, attributes, destinationObject, destinationAttributes), (object, attributes, destinationObject, destinationAttributes) ]
This basically states that objects attributes are a foreign key to destinationObject's destinationAttributes.
For example, if you have User and UserResidence classes, a scatter fetch may be simply:
userObj.scatterFetchSQL( [ (UserResidence, 'USER_OID', User, 'OID') ] )
This function returns sql, baseColumnNames, and a modified version of the objs argument.