5 HTML Helper Tags

The STML tags in this section help you construct URLs and common HTML tags which use URLs for links, images, forms, and redirects. These tags are only enabled if using the AE library under the SkunkWeb server or under swpython. Chances are exceptionally fair that this is the case.

For the most part, unless you have a dynamic url scheme (e.g. your user-visible URLs are in Spanish, but English in the code, or perhaps you use Akamai for images), you probably don't need these at all, but if you do, they can be very useful. The behavior of these can be modified by writing a service that overrides the relavent functions in the templating.UrlBuilder module (under SkunkWeb/Services).

The default behavior (i.e. you've not overriden bits of templating.UrlBuilder) of these tags is very simple. Your SkunkWeb administrator or lead developer may customize the behavior of these tags to fit the needs of your website. If these STML tags behave differently or strangely in your web application, it's probably because they've been customized; ask your local SkunkWeb guru.
